Good day at IOP Today :D

I arrived and I was a tad more social than usual. Then enters my friend Claire who I met in march in the psych ward. Me and Claire really bonded in the psych ward, then we hung out and went out to lunch and went for hikes and walks together. Then we both were having a bad day the last time that we met and we cut contact with each other. Well I saw her today and I was elated to see her. She was as enthusiastic and encouraging as always. She wants to go for a hike with me on Sunday. She is 52 I think and bi-sexual but leans towards girls I feel. She’s a really nice lady. She always calls me an old soul and compliments me a lot.

We had a really good group

There was another lady I saw who I met in March or so who used to call me “JT” because she thought I looked like Justin Timberlake. So she called me JT in front of the group and someone said “No I think hes better looking than Justin timberlake” ;). This made me happy all that compliments I got. I told them about my book and they were really impressed and everyone in the room bonded so well. I was with the older group and I felt more comfortable. Much more comfortable. And it was a good day.

Now I’m going to see my sister and go out to dinner.

My Pdoc never got back to me, but IOP gave me some good coping skills. Also Claire said she could help me and I can call her any time I’m feeling symptomatic or anything. Well yeah that’s about it.


I remember a lady calling me 2Pac and Chris Brown in the psychward :joy: lol


Sounds nice, @Jonnybegood!
I’m glad you had a good time and were able to patch things up with your friend :smiley:


Yeah I told myself that if there’s a God, he definitely wants her in my life.