For how long time have you been psychotic?

Hey sanna some people will call me a jerk for giving this advice but my life didn’t start getting better until I accepted my mental limitations then learned how to work around them.

I really believe that acceptance is the key.



I was found to have PTSD due to friend’s family sex abuse problems. I suffered a few nights of insomnia to motivate me to see mental care. The mental care was so bad here, it caused me a nervous. I found out there are lots of people this lady messed up and mental care just used up their insurance, messing with some people so badly they cracked up and got fired from job. Unemployment is usually denied by employers here because so many people crack up over a lot of illegal/abusive situations running here…I had no psychosis symptoms before the nervous. I’ve suffered psychosis day/night for last 11 years without any relief from meds. I do get sleep assistance now so it’s okay ignoring the voices as background noise. My social problems/paranoia started when I told this lady’s family they are predators & cops told me I would get in trouble for any more contact, after abusers bragged to cops that they did hurt all those other people. Some of the previous victims introduced themselves and I caught them trespassing, belongings ruined for long while just as threatened. I picked up more stalkers/verbal harassers along the way after trying a messed-up church and social/professional groups with predators making slave networks of dirty business contacts. Then I was bothered by strangers as ‘paranoia’ after socializing psychotic. I sold my house here because job situation in my city got so bad, there really was no jobs that would support living alone in my home any longer and I just could not make it on SSDI. Cops would not keep these people away as the courts are too messed up here to help victims, ALCU dirty and Discounted Legal Aide refuses to even give advice to victims, abusers always have good attorney. I met a lot of messed with people in my following 3 moves…I can not afford to live on my own again for a while due to all the harassment from the single men who are usually scum for trying to get dates by pressuring women and unable to get by on my marginal SSDI income. I’ve worked since the nervous but job market here is HUGE mistake due to the scams/fraud/lawless and I’m glad to get my SSDI payment as unemployment…I got ruined in two jobs while living elsewhere so REALLY have to use caution working as some people do not like to deal with stigma of someone on SSDI or mental care recipient and will ruin coworkers to get them out of there. I’m saving my money for country house with buddy who is getting out of jail in 2-3 years…Crashing with family til then in hostile place with no employment options, just a little odd-jobs stuff or volunteer stuff to keep resume full.

I had been ill for 6 years,since 2009,now I take medication daily had stopped a few times,I guess I am not psychotic for 4 months

Yes, I guess you are right. I´m just not there yet… My life have changed totally the last year, and it will take some time to accept this. I´m used to be working a lot, be social and active. Now I can´t do anything of this. But I still hope the medication has something to do with my impairment. I just hate the thought of being like this forever…

I was psychotic for a few days. Had really strong delusions. Was then hospitalized and put on antipsyhotic. Im fine now. Had my first episode 11 months ago.

You’ll get better in a lot of ways. Unfortunately you might also realize those things arent worth it so much.

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My voices started 9 months ago and have been 24/7 since, I had a normal life till after my 44th birthday last June. I am married with four beautiful kids I have a good job and steady income, I have no paranoia or fears at all, I don’t mind the voices although they can be repetitive about their problems from time to time. I am not diagnosed and do not intend to do so unless the voices change to something badly done. I have never had any symptoms till this time it just came out of the wood work so to speak.


90’s? Fawgetaboutit.

Just wait until it takes your life