Does it help to laugh at suicide?

  1. Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut? Oh, Nooooooooo. Did they have to flood your guts with a fire hose? (Elavil is horribly anti-cholinergic. If I took one of them now, I’d have to drink 20 glasses of warm water to make my guts work again.)

  2. BUT… 6000 mgs of Elavil would likely keep the 3000 mgs of (truly deadly) Seconal from finishing you off. (They work in total opposition to each other.)

  3. Not surpised about the coma, though.

  4. Just make sure you don’t ever try this with Tylenol acetaminophen. (It’s hard to think of anything else one can get their hands on so easily that is so deadly in large quantities… because it shreds the liver, but takes days or weeks to do it.)

  5. I swallowed everything in the med cab twice… but knew enough to leave the Tylenol bottle alone… just in case.