Do you throw food away

I never throw food away. I know in the western societies it is quite common that food is thrown away and not eaten.

I have had good manner before when I was youth. But now, throwing food away or not all depends on whether my stomach is full.
The wisdom is avoid ordering too much food if appetite is poor.

I’ve heard that many people who have paranoid schizophrenia throw food away because they think people are tainting it somehow.

Do people here do that?

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I never eat any food that is unpacked or opened by somebody.

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I rarely ever go to restaurants and so I never order any food. If my stomach is full after eating and there is some food left, I save it to my next meal.

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I’m sad to say… I have. There was a time in my life… I was pretty sure all the food was tampered with… pills snuck in… poisoned.

It got a little out of hand. Sometimes those thoughts and fears creep back in. But I take my meds so my family doesn’t have to be sneaky… (not that they ever have)

I just have to fight the sneaky brained thinking…

and/ or… learn how to cook for myself. :wink:


If you’ve ever worked in the food service industry you would be shocked how much food they throw away. One time I went into a Burger King near closing time to spend my last dollar on a hamburger and this black girl gave my a deluxe hamburger free. Sometimes a homeless person will catch a place throwing out food at closing time. He tells them, “Don’t throw that away. Give it to me.” It usually works. At the Salvation Army in Tulsa they serve homeless people food that the resteraunts were going to throw away. It isn’t fresh, but it is nourishing.

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My father saves every morsel - He will refrigerate food and it stays for weeks - He was raised during the depression and lived through WWII they were hard times back then.
I on the other hand am more apt to throw away unwanted food - but lately I am saving food in tupperware and storing it for another day

My aunt used to bring food over for me from time to time and for a while I thought she was poisoning it. I feel very bad about this, she was a wonderful woman who did a lot for me. I feel like I dishonor her memory when I think about how I used to believe that stuff.

all the food that i don’t eat goes in to my food waste bin which is collected and used as fertiliser :thumbsup:

it goes to chooks :chicken: , then dog :dog: then horses :horse: .
take care from the :rocket: man.


I live by myself. I only occasionally throw out food that goes bad. Sometimes I don’t eat some meat or vegetables in my refrigerator in time and it spoils. I try not to waste food.


I avoid throwing away most of my food and save it for later when i get starving again. But for bad tasting food I mean real bad tasting food I usually discard it. As SzAdmin asks have I ever thrown away things that i thought were poisoned yes I have. My voices would say they were poisoning me and i would question everything i eat. Sometimes i can’t throw away things because i’m with family or friends.

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My parents were raised in the USA during the depression. So no food was wasted. If we visited my grandparents, we were not allowed to leave the table until you ate what was on your plate including vegetables.
I had 4 brothers and sisters so every thing was eaten, there was no waste.
I very rarely go out to dinner but I can see people wasting food there and I think that’s a sin with so many hungry in this world.
I would never throw food away, if it has a little mold I’ll scrape it off and eat it. I would give the best to my son and hubbie. If they didn’t like it then I would finish it.

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I don’t. I should. There is some leftover chicken korma and rice in the fridge calling my name. Trying to snack on celery instead. NOT satisfying.


Not food, but I was scrounging old copper wiring like you wouldn’t believe for a bit a couple decades back. Managed to turn my studio apartment into a faraday cage to try and block signals from my pacemaker getting out. I say again: Thank gawd for medications.


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I used to think my food was being drugged, but I ate it anyway.

I try not to throw away food unless it’s been spoiled.

Grocery stores and markets also throw a lot of food away. In the past I have known people who have gone to a garbage of a local store to get food that had reached expiration dates, this food is not really old and it is still good. These stores know that people are doing this which is why they have tried to lock their garbages.

It happens here too.

we shouldn’t over eat, i know i use to try and finish my plate but my portion was too big and i was over eating and it does have an effect on your health, don’t try and finish your plate as not to waste anything bc you could get bad digestion or worse,