Do you exepeirence positive voices?

Please help out my survey.

I experience somewhat positive voices, however hearing voices at all is distressing for me. It makes it difficult to understand what is real and what isn’t and makes you consider and believe in things that you cannot prove.

I’m trying to be scientific about this survey. I really need more responses for my study. it is a pretty simple study please reply even if you don’t have positive voices I would like your input

I have a negative “voice” too. It is not an audible voice but a delusion of reference. Anyway, I don’t care about it one way or the other because I just ignore it. It would be nice if it would just vanish, but, I don’t see that happening.

Y’all can differentiate what is from your brain and mind and what isn’t right?
Sometimes the truth is alot easier to handle than a delusional explanation.

Common sense goes out the window when we run from normal things. How far you get away from the norm is your own fault.

If someone warned me of quick sand and I didn’t listen and stepped in it I can still get out fairly easily. But if I wade deeper or dive into it I’m in for a real struggle.

Sometimes it’s best to quit trying to make all these connections with things and being overly critical or underly critical of yourself.

Find some solid ground and stand on it and expand it. Let some stuff go.

I’ve spent years holding onto things I thought were part of me and they weren’t.

Any more participants?

Yes I have positive voices. They positively annoy me.

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I don’t have positive voices, I wish I did. Before and after I was diagnosed 6 years ago all I hear is kill her in the shower, stab the dog, it’s a perfect day to kill people, knife! knife! knife!, your life is not worth living, you should shoot yourself with the rifle in the closet, slice her in tiny pieces, smother her with a pillow, it will be a mercy killing, go look at the weapons, prove your worth to us and kill yourself and your family, burn the house down, and finally kill them all. It’s really annoying. They don’t scare me and I don’t think they’re disturbing. I just know they’re command voices wanting me to do something that I will never do.

I love positive voices…