Do you beleive in an afterlife and do you beleive in Ghosts?

I believe in ghosts and an afterlife I’m afraid of both a near death experience too although I felt comfortable with it

I don’t want any more visuals. I don’t deal with this much as I work in some nasty, stressful situations sometimes… Ghosts make neat movies, nothing more.

Listened to blender run in friend’s kitchen a lot when it was put away, then bought a house myself that played noises for previous occupant that cracked then a little bit for myself…

GAWD is arguable about you see the church people doing all kinds of unethical things to others when voices order them avoid…Crap, I just stay away from it all as some of these folks get threatened or screwed by local church leaders who are dirty if they try to leave it…Someone pulling a ‘Jesus’ is even worse…Like lady got job there to leave her abusive husband, a male coworker got her fired and said if she dated him that he would get her rehired. This is called a Jesus by some…

Hear the Jesus or GAWD talk, know you are probably about to be screwed SO good it will take a while to be okay afterwards. Disappear quietly…

Better to stay away from the older males in my hometown as they snapped and will mess up their own mom & better to stay away from the churches, as increasingly are just confused nuts or hatemongers.

I’ve been a paranormal investigator since 2007. I very much believe in ghosts and the existence of the afterlife. I’ve had documented experiences with devices/instruments which were used by myself and others during our investigations that prove without a doubt that it’s not in my head or part of sz.

no, he didn’t say anything…just rattled some drawers in my bedroom and then blew out the lamps I had burning at the same time…my dog started wagging his tail and hitting his tail against the floor looking at what looked like someone under a sheet like the simple halloween ghosts you see but when I looked back up from the dog wagging his tail he was gone. I found out the next day that he had died at the exact time I saw a presence. It was my grandpa no doubt.

I completely believe in the afterlife and in ghosts.

@jukebox. It didn’t scare you?

at first, but I had a feeling that it might be my grandfather dying and then I was fine. He was in the hospital at the time.

What does the ghost looks like? Did u see it with naked eye?

he looked like he was wearing a white sheet over his body, no joke.

Do u mean that he looks like a normal solid person?

Like Pacman…

I saw my aunt who died in a car accident appear to me in a bright white ball of light.
At the time I didn’t know who, or what it was, it woke me up from a sound sleep, and I sat straight up in bed, and listened to it “talk” directly to me.
I don’t recall a voice actually speaking, but, it said "I’m okay now, I’m where I should be, I wasn’t growing anymore, but I’m okay now.

I said okay,
and went back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning with a vivid dream still playing in my head about a black convertible top car sitting on the corner of my mom’s street, empty, except full of blood. I kept calling her name, but couldn’t find her anywhere.

I said nothing to my husband, who obviously never woke up to see the same thing, and went to work like usual, but affected by the dream I couldn’t forget.

My mom called me at work about 11AM, and told me her sister had died that night in a car accident involving a flat bed tow truck on the on ramp of the highway. Their car struck the tow truck which was still in the on-ramp lane to the freeway, on the passenger side where she was sitting and sheared off the the top side of the car hitting her in the chest/neck. She told her husband (who was not injured, that she wasn’t going to make it.
She bled to death in his arms.

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Afterlife yes ghosts no unless they are just an auric impression left behind because some one died suddenly. Maybe people who have passed on can communicate with those on Earth and they are not always benign.

How come the ghosts that are seen and documented are always scary old guys…never two hot chicks pole dancing at the end of your bed!

Eh? Huh??

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Au contraire , google succubus and incubus .

@anon72440920 @jukebox @Malvok @polarity1111 @everhopeful @Minnii @Apathy @schizofriendia @anon40540444

After dealing with neurotic, borderline and psychotic spectrum patients for 28+ years now, I’m inclined to assert that obsessional thinking about the “afterlife” ranks right up there with “religious, moral perfectionism” as the most commonly observed theme of rumination in that population.

I began asking questions a few years ago and came to a further hypothesis:

So many of us were taught, trained, conditioned, socialized, habituated, accustomed and normalized to such ideas by the acceptance of them in our families, church cultures and possibly even the entire community around us that we just automatically accept these two ideas without realizing they might not represent actual reality.

Now, of course, I cannot disprove the existence of an afterlife. But neither can I prove the existence of one, either. Beyond all that, however, I wonder now why it matters, save for the notions of those who believe that they have to “earn” their way onto the Stairway to Heaven and may have to be “morally perfect” to do so.

Even though that is demonstrably highly unlikely (if not wholly impossible).

So. I just stopped worrying about it and tried to find my way to being as humble, ethical, empathic and compassionate as I can, understanding that I will fall short at times.


very good way of putting it.

Hahaha. Seen it. (But how many sz patients have dreams like that?)

Ah! I didn’t realise there was a movie about it, if that’s what you meant. I was just talking about the general lore.

As far as I’m concerned: this is the afterlife and that which came before is the before Life (Ultimate Reality).