Cognitive effectiveness of risperidone and olanzapine in first-episode schizophrenia

Conclusions: The effects of the two psychotroptic drugs on clinical symptoms and cognitive functions are almost equal. Comprehensive cognitive impairment is found in first-episode schizophrenia, and risperidone and olanzapine could partially improve the performance of cognitive function as well as clinical symptoms. The higher the dosage of risperidone is, the less improvement the patients has in the speed of process domain

I’ve taken risperdal and i moved very sloooowly

I’m currently on 2.5mg olanzapine and 4mg clopixol per day, i.e. extremely low dose medication, and I’m still below par cognitively for me. I’ve done hundreds of hours of emdr eye movements and other brain training and I expected to get a speed boost when I got down to very low dose meds. I’ve had Sz for the past 30 years, so maybe by brain has just acquired a set point of being sluggish over the years.

Olanzapine is good for working memory, overall I was still quite foggy on it. Risperidone slowed my thoughts down to molasses, my thoughts were frozen so I couldn’t function.