Clozapine and surgery

Have to go to replace hip.According to orthopedist it would ease my leg problem.Only thing I don’t know is anesthesia in combination with clozapine 250 mg.Have someone had problem with psych meds and anesthesia?

When I had surgery done, the doctors got me off my Antipsychotic at the time - Navane.

Ask your psychiatrist see what He or She thinks.

I’m afraid going off.I cant sleep anyway.Thank you Wave for posting.

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Well this was done years ago, maybe it’s different now.
I would try not to worry so much about it.
Everything will work out fine.

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I got a general anaesthetic whilst on clozapine.

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Thank you.Did you consult your anesthesiologist before general anesthetic?

They saw me the night before my operation. They were told what meds I was on so they knew I was on clozapine.

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Thank you.I got the answer.

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