Cannabis users ‘more likely to have a heart attack’

Smoking cannabis dramatically increases a person’s risk of suffering a heart attack, according to a major new study.

Researchers in the United States found that, over a five-year period, regular users in their early 30s were 4.6 times more likely to have a cardiac-related illness than those who did not smoke the drug.

Users in their late 20s were three times more likely to have a heart attack.


From this study it seems that it is the lifestyle of those who smoke marijuana that increases the chance of a heart attack and cardiac-related illnesses, not the drug itself.


“They noted that users tended to have higher blood pressure than non-users and were more likely to drink heavily, smoke tobacco and have type 2 diabetes – all of which raise the chance of a heart attack.”

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No, that is not correct. The article specifically states that those factors were controlled for, which means the difference is not because of those factors. From what I can see it is not possible to say from this study whether the difference is an effect of cannabis itself or other confounding factors.

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I wonder if baking it into food or and consuming it that way would be less of a risk?

After smoking it swim just gets really tired and goes to sleep within 20 minutes.

May I ask who is swim?

someone who isn’t me

Thanks @bobox1980