Anyone wanna do this with me?

Okay so I can see some of the voices I hear 3 to be exact and I thought Id draw them and post a pic here. I dont know why I just think itd be a cool thing to share after seeing another members drawing they did so if anyone is interested Ill start posting pics later tonight just pencil drawings. If you wanna share yours Id love to meet them!


This is the best idea ever, im gonna do it!


You can “see” the voices? That’s pretty weird.
Can’t wait to watch your drawings :slight_smile: thumbs up !

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it is weird thats what I keep saying to my psych she does not think its weird !

awesome! thanks for doing it with me!

I’ve drawn them loads of times! I’ll participate if I have time. I’m not a very good artist though so they’ll just be doodles lol


awesome thanks!

Interpretations right :smiley: for me it’s easy as they come in my families voices, but my family would never say such dreadful things and be so hate filled!


anything you want if it symbolizes them draw it

Ok I did Zero shes the first one I heard and the most prominent been around for years…I honestly thought she was me (another me) until I saw her and she looks just like my half sister that passed except shes got weird eyes. Im hesitant to post this cause Im am artist so I feel like I over did it but thats what she looks like except fuzzier like kinda a little out of focus with weird lookin silver kinda eyes. Shes usually kind and she keeps me company continuously.


The other two are scary i apologize in advance if they bother anyone

You put my drawings to complete shame! You have an amazing talent :smile:

yeah its the only thing this damn sickness hasnt taken from me yet so hopefully i can keep it dont be silly i wanna seeeee please!!! Everyone is an artist they just dont think so if you create anything its art <3

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I’m looking forward to seeing the other two! And I like the fact you’ve given a little back story too! :slight_smile:
I like that philosophy aswell, although my drawings are seriously dreadful, I’m better at making things I reckon! :nerd_face:

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This is Attey He acts bad says mean things then acts nice he flashes in my face and crawls around on the floor and ceiling through doors and windows or stands around and acts smug and says bad things about people


I have to bite my tongue and not say an inappropriate joke unless you are over 60 years old. It’s funny but offensive.


aww man 15151515

Yeah, I’m sad about it too.
But see, that’s what you get for being young, lol. It’s all your fault.

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Wow! You are an artist! Thank you so much for sharing this. This one in particular reminds me of several of mine…though thankfully they don’t crawl around on all fours like that!!

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I cant stand it its so creeeepppyyyy!!!