Anyone ever done any peer support work?

just wondering if anyone has ever done any peer support work?

i was looking it up and it looks ok but idk if i could do it, it may be in a mental ward as well and i would be worried of violence in the ward (it can happen)

I’ve done peer support when I was 18 and still at college. It is very rewarding but you do have to be responsible and self aware of your own safety if you are in a stressful environment like a ward.

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what did you have to do when you were working?

In the situation I was in I was a mentor to a young person who had difficulties socialising. It involved befriending, building their confidence, and talking about stuff that was happening so that they did not feel that going outside was impossible. Of course there was more to it than just that but that was the general idea.

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In my area if they see you in the community they only see you in public places for safety reasons.

I didn’t see that in the job description

The job was varied and lnvolved one to one stuff as well in their own homes

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Think it depends on which council region you are part of.

I look in to it, and went as far as taking the test for a job. just didn’t fit me…

In my area, peer support specialists see people in their homes as well as the com!unity. I think that can be potentially dangerous.