Anyone else gets telepathy with other animals like cats rabbits and birds?

Started first time when I took acid… Comes back every time I get psychotic

I also became telepathic with my birds when I took acid last time… I became telepathic with my cat when I smoked weed last time. Crazy drugs do crazy things! But now I’m sober and no I don’t feel this anymore. Although me and my cat have a very social bond. But it’s not psychic like it felt he could understand what I was thinking when I was high.

Does it come back with your schizophrenia?

My psychotic symptoms are under control other than delusions 100% but when they weren’t, I don’t think it came back. Although one of my symptoms until recently was trying to become psychic/telepathic. But I couldn’t achieve this state of extra sensory perception. But I thought if I worked hard towards it, I could become psychic. I was obsessed with the occult. I wanted to be a psychic for a living. Thank goodness that thought doesn’t even cross my mind for a split second the past 4 months or so! Drove me crazier thinking about that. But I have no ill effects from bad lsd trip anymore I don’t think :thought_balloon:. Unless the delusions are…but the hallucinogens induced anxiety and now that’s done. I drive on the highway now daily almost. I used to barely be able to drive at all cuz of hallucinogen abuse when I was younger. Felt like I was tripping 24/7.

I never had that. Sometimes, I’d think people’s thoughts were being transmitted to me, but I only remember that happening from inanimate objects. Once, I became convinced I had a telepathic link to the president and secret service men were coming to kill me to stop me from reading his thoughts. sigh Another page in my file.

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Yes I talk with some animals.
It’s in a quiet way which is good.

My neigher did my makeup n clothes once and showed me heaps of strange things.
She could of given birth to me once but that was just my experience.

I hear my bf dogs.
Very silently though they sometimes say yes please when asked a question.
I love them but am upset with them for being disrespectful n not coming to whistle etc n attitude sometimes.
But I still love them.

I adore my neigher.

There is a silent way of talking.

i never heard my dog I had out loud.
I’m sorry for that she may of suffered but she was loved n still is.
I felt tortured when I had her cause heard awful voices back then.

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:flushed: I can not communicate with my Kat. She likes to annoy me at 2 am and meow at my face and lick my nose… I still don’t know what she wants…

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I saw a tv show episode of true life about a guy with schizophrenia who would talk to birds and and peoples dogs and stuff and he said he actually likes hearing voices

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I had this psychotic episode where I was reading a book on remote viewing (it triggered me…) and I started getting telepathic messages from an Aztec snake.
I also thought my cat a long time ago could read my mind, but not the other way around! lol, that was like a decade ago when I was first diagnosed.

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My kitty communicates with me all the time, nothing new there, that’s considered telepathy?

That’s one of the reasons i got back on my meds after a break last year–i started thinking i could communicate with animals

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I hope 'Normal humans do not read this thread :smile:

I talk to my dog and he has his own way of talking back but it’s no ESP.

My cats communicate to me nonverbally. But that’s all it is; nonverbal communication. It is considered a form of telepathy, though.

Here are the four types:

Nonverbal: facial expressions, body language, the look in one’s eyes, etc.

Kinesthetic: feeling the way someone else feels, emotionally, etc. For example, when someone empathetically says, “I know how you feel.”

Concrete Ideal levels: being able to communicate shapes, colors, designs, etc., between minds.

Abstract Ideal levels of telepathy: this is the highest and most advanced level of telepathic communication. It involves such high esoteric understanding of people. For example, one could simply just look at a person whom they have never seen before in their life; and immediately know everything about that person’s life. Jesus Christ had this level of telepathy.

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I can always tell when Miss Kitty wants Friskies, but that’s probably because she always wants Friskies.

There goes my Cat Whisperer medal.


I communicate with my cat all the time. He snuggle me or meows and I respond but as far as telepathy, I missed the bus on the animal communication. I have never felt like I could understand or communicate with animals. Seems like it would be pretty trippy.


its really weird how cats have different personalities and behaviours… i really miss my two cats… one male orange and one female black and white…