Anybody have racing thoughts? And know what to do about it?

Since taking meds I can’t stop thinking obsessively and it affects my ability to do anything. When I was working I would constantly wake up thinking “I need to quit” though I rationally had no thought of doing so. Then when I’m not working every day I can’t stop thinking about how I need to work and can’t relax for a minute. It’s exhausting and I feel like trying to “control” it on my own is not enough. The ambitious thinking is unuseful and doesn’t actually help me get anything done. I listened to it and started loosing weight and suddenly just started obsessing over food…

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I get racing thoughts and it’s related to mania or OCD or both usually.
Depakote and risperidone help a bit.

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Tukey when are u starting ur job …u went to job hunting right …

No, I’m not job hunting. I’m thinking about doing a coding bootcamp but leaning towards getting disability and just trying to relax for a while…

Yes I display many symptoms of hypomania like impulsive decision making. Ugh.

Yeah it’s not easy but antipsychotics should help some. Saying that we are all different and respond differently. Mania can be a strange thing but I relate to the racing thoughts…for me zyprexa really mellowed me out.

Haver a chat to your doctor…as always you need to at least get through 6 weeks of a medication…it’s just what you need to do!

I’m way slower mentally these days…but compared to those other days it’s not a bad thing!