Am intimidated by the shower

Yes. I am also intimidated by the shower. Because I don’t want to get in it. The whole thought of removing my clothes and getting all wet repulses me to no end. I’d rather stay in my dry, warm clothes. Dirty as they may be, they’re better than that shower.
In spite of my feelings, I do try to take a shower and wash my hair at least once a week.


I was intimidated by the shower.

but then the day came when the shower was intimidated by me.

It’s not that i’m intimidated by the shower.

It’s that someone is in there telling me they will rip out my spine and drawing weird ■■■■ out of the soap scum.

I understand where you are coming from, I am intimidated by showering as I feel no control while in it, naked and noise, i may hear things in the water or background. I sink wash until I can’t get away with it any longer an cave. But you are definitely not alone here and don’t worry, that’s just you right now, hopefully with time it will change.


I would use much energy to wash my big afro. I also shaved beard, armpits, and “thigh hairs;” each shower.

nowadays, I don’t to fervently tear afro apart while washing it. also, I shave only when necessary. I anticipate drained energy after a shower by not doing much after it.

the longer a shower is, the more unattractive it becomes; so I make it quick but thorough.

lol lol lol Pansdisease, what is he doing to the duck? o_0