Am I being lied to by doctors, friends, etc?

Do non mentally ill really not hear voices? Thanks so much. :confused:

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Non mentally ill people can and do hear voices. However with non mentally ill people the voices tend to be benign/supportive and do not cause significant distress/difficulty functioning.


Generally non mentally ill people do not hear voices - that is true. But some percent of non-mentally ill people do hear voices.

Check these out:

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other reading:

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There was a documentary about someone who was told that the voices were due to mental illness and that normally people donā€™t hear voices. And he didnā€™t take it well, he felt that his life had been a lie. Thereā€™s no need for you to feel like that.

Unfortunately, if everything is OK, people donā€™t hear voices. So, your doctors are telling you the truth. I donā€™t hear voices, my family donā€™t hear voices. I still have schizophrenia, I just donā€™t hear voices.

Generally if you hear voices, itā€™s of medical concern.

It might take a little while to get used to the idea.

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Thank you all so much. And thanks SzAdmin you are who I wanted to hear from. That is so informinative too a schizophrenic that does not hear voices. Thank you all.

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Yeah itā€™s crazy how they kind of treat you like a child when youā€™re diagnosed psychosis. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever have credibility or be taken seriously because of my condition sometimes.

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I believe sometimes theyā€™re all in on it.

Like theyā€™re all keeping horrible secrets from me. I hate this feeling.

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My mother in law claims to hear voices and sees shadow people. I think sheā€™s just messing with me or trying to downplay my illness.

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Iā€™m sorry to say you havenā€™t had your first hard fall. You will my though if you ever go off of meds concurrent with trauma or abuse of any kind. You might lose your mind.

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whaaA?? 15 characters

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My psychiatrist told me if I donā€™t stay on meds I will lose my mind. I was young and stupid. Then it happened.

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Some people advocate that hearing voices is a ā€œnormalā€ experience, such as Rufus May. They emphasize that one should talk with the voices and try to get them to be friendly. They believe that voices hold deep meaning.

I personally aint to convinced, and find this a too alternative approach. I dont believe voices are a gift, but on the other hand, I dont think they are THAT problematic. The problem begins when you hear people saying things they didnt say.

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Iā€™ve been told by my friends and some of my family that they donā€™t hear voices. Iā€™ve do believe that most of the people I see donā€™t hear voices either.

Itā€™s oddā€¦ Two of my brothers are living with mental illnessā€¦ (1 depression and 1 bipolar) and they donā€™t hear voicesā€¦

But my sis is not mentally illā€¦ and she does hear them.

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God tenchu was a great game.

You could sneak up on them and cut off their heads, not to worry, they were evil and they hardly felt a thing.

Wasnā€™t tenchu a great game though?

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Next new tenchu that comes out Iā€™m buying it. No matter what system its on. Iā€™m even getting tenchu z I heard about on Xbox 360. If you liked tenchu 1 youā€™ll love tenchu z. Can even create your own ninja.

Lots of people, especially the millennials, do hear the voices some of the time. You will note the younger crowd has the biggest problems hearing the voices & acting appropriately as many will display passive aggressive tendencies very quicklyā€¦City nearby with the best jobs does not hire their lower and lower-middle class millennials, these are forced into restaurant and retails jobs forced to mess with customers. City really tries to recruit foreigners and out-of-towners for workers as they are still mentally stable workers who donā€™t show passive aggression as quickly.

Is better to not bother contradicting your psych doc. Pdocs are not allowed to discuss lots of social stuff like other people who hear the voices and their behaviors such as thought broadcasting, gang stalking, cause stalking (churches on people who get disability check because of mental care), thought insertionā€¦These mental care treatment policies do not help the patients with this area of function but psych docs are not allowed to change these policies either. If you ever get angry with your psych care, you can be locked up in psych hospital for as long as pdoctor can justify at your own expense. Just does not pay to argue this, only advocate for changes in medications/therapy you feel could be helpful or say just ā€˜whenā€™ā€¦


This is absolutely ridiculous. Nobody is holding a class of people back for supposed behaviors. My daughter and her friends have every opportunity as anyone else. Still Perkins you say the most outlandish things and nobody calls you out for it. Give it a rest on the thought broadcasting and gang stalking. Itā€™s rubbish.