Abilify 🙃?

We use stones in the uk

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No England, London to be specific

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Cool I went to London when I was ten.

so what about yourself, where do you hail from?

I now live on the complete opposite side of the earth to London, almost, in Washington state in the NW USA but I grew up in a suburb of New York City. Only moved here a month and a half ago.

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So how are you finding the move? Was it for an significant reason?

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For school and I wanted to get away from the place where I experienced psychosis for 5 years!! Now that I’m stable, start fresh. And it’s nice here. Not so ego driven. Nyc area you’re looked down upon for a lot of stupid ■■■■. Love it here!!!

Glad it’s working for you. I have something negative similar, I have a connection to a lot of places and one in particular is a massive trigger, so it’s avoidance for me at the moment. But would like to make a fresh start, just to see how much of my psychosis is tied to surroundings. What are the improvements you’ve noticed towards your symptoms since the move?

Ehhh it hasn’t been an EASY adjustment. Took a couple weeks and still adjusting. But I feel more relaxed at times because I know this is a good place. I think in the long term my symptoms will be much better. But for now it’s similar. Although the car triggered me a lot and now I take the bus. Don’t require that second .5 klonopin on many days now because it’s less stress. But whenever I’m some place new I have a feeling nothing is real but it’s feeling more real daily.