Abilify vs. Latuda

I’m currently on Abilify and thinking about asking to switch to Latuda. Has anyone out there been on both, and which do you think is better regarding side effects and how you feel generally?

Abilify wound me up too much, I actually felt aggressive on it.

Latuda made me vomit after taking it. Every night.

I’m on Invega.


I took latuda in addition to abilify at one point. Polydrugging. The combo made me psychotic. But I’ve never been on latuda alone. Now I stick with just abilify.

With Abilify I can’t sleep. I already took 7 tablets, each tablet a day for seven days. I realized I must take it during night. I ordered this

Schiff Melatonin Ultra. 300 Tablets. 3mg Melatonin + 25mg L-Theanine + 25mg GABA + Chamomile & Valerian Extracts

and I received it yesterday and I took it yesterday night and I slept for 5 hours. I woke up and I realized that Abilify is the best anti psychotic I ever used. After couple of hours I fell in sleep. Healthy individuals fall asleep in 30 minutes I guess. I have Depression+Paranoid type Schizophrenia+Sleep disorder(I can’t sleep).

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I couldn’t handle Abilify. I couldn’t sit still and it did nothing for my symptoms. Now I’m on both Latuda and Geodon and have no positive symptoms. I have no side effects either. Good luck with it! :sunny:

Yeah, the akithisia on Abilify is driving me nuts.

I sleep okay on Abilify. I’m glad to hear it’s working for you and you can sleep now. :slight_smile:

I have never taken Ability. I had severe insomnia on Latuda. Good luck.

I’m on Abilify. No delusions or paranoia. Voices still here. Not getting restless. No side effects.

I was thinking about trying Latuda too.

Maybe all paranoia isn’t gone. Latuda is Lurasidone. Luras in swedish is to fool someone. So in swedish the name is something like I fooled you. Makes my paranoid over switching to it.

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This reminds me of how the Chevy Nova had terrible sales in Latin America - the name pretty much translated into “Doesn’t Go”. Which is not a car I would buy, either.


Hi way12go i used melatonine 5 month and all i can say is melatonine doesn t help to sleep.now i m using seroquel for sleep.i m using 50 mg and it s work well for now.you can try it.ifdoesn t help you can raised to dose to 100 or 200 mg

When I was on Abilify I noticed an unusual amount of succubus activity, while awake to boot. They made me masturbate to them every night. I had a lot of panic attacks and anxiety issues on the medication. I’m right now transitioning to Latuda from risperidone, and I am now almost fully on it. So far I feel sedated on it and take naps throughout the day. We’ll see how it pans out.