A secret about you

I can not think of any appropriate secret :flushed:

I have cheated twice in my life :flushed: Once when i was 18 and another form of cheating i guess :flushed:


My hair is actually natural blonde but i dye it brown :unamused:


Hey it’s jimmyjam my biggest one is Samsung secret

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Sz I meant not samsung

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I saw you on reddit today…

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Before I became psychotic I could see energy and some colors around people and sometimes I saw angels. After I started hearing voices I thought maybe it’s all just craziness. I could still see the energy if I wanted but I push it away. Occasionally I’ll catch a glimpse of it but then I think very earthly mundane thoughts and it goes away. It kind of scares me now, before I thought it was special.


I have no secrets I can think of. Maybe they’re all blocked

That is terrible, @jukebox. I’m so sorry that happened and I’m glad you have worked through it. :heart:


I wish that I was born a girl.


How could it be my secret if I openly talk about it here? :smile:


It is anonymous :neutral_face::slightly_smiling_face: and most probably not even a secret :clown_face:

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Thank you for your reassurance.

When I was 18 years old, I entered a toilet of opposite sex with no one noticed. Don’t worry, no one was harmed

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Not so many secrets really.

Once when i was 8 or 9 i had a friend who liked to shoplift stuff like candy and chocolate. So she stole a bunch of stuff and i was so stupid i called the owner. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Eventually my dad paid for everything.

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I am so sorry :worried::worried::worried::worried::worried::worried::worried::worried:

What do you mean? How can you live a life you want?

my own life by my own rules. Hard sometimes. I feel like I’m moulded by my families expectations of who I should be rather than who I am. I should resent them but it feels impossible. I think I’m a living contradiction. Lol

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sorry :frowning: I always thought you were happy with your life other than finding a partner/ husband /

I am happy … I think lol or this is the only kind of happiness I know. I’m not sure I’d be happy if I got my own way that would just make everyone miserable. Argh. It’s hard cos if a guy told me to change I’d tell him to screw himself as I want to be accepted as I am … if he didn’t like what he saw then he should find someone he did like… but then it’s hard to even know who I am. :confused:

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I guess for everybody, it is so difficult to change yourself until you make the decision yourself, like my smoking, or drinking. Habits are tough to break. I hope you meet someone as cool as you :o)

If I think like that ‘screw you’ I will be completely alone :confused:

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I never got it out of life where I got to be myself whatever that is , but I do want to be with a guy where I can be myself … so I can find myself …no compromises (vice versa). That’s my ideal guy. I would not try to change him never. I just feel if I don’t get that … then I don’t want a relationship at all… I already have people trying to mould me I don’t need more of that lol. I’ve been in that kind of relationship it dampened my confidence a lot I’m so glad my family don’t do that.