A Poem: Normal people

because you develop it, because you care, because you take it seriously.


I took down that last post but what i’m getting at is that some people write to get enjoyment of out writing, period. i don’t see why they should be placed under a microscope by a student of the “craft”.

I was in the very prestigious Iowa Writer’s Workshop, though likely none of you can relate.

It’s no brag, but I was honored, and went on to pursue.

I’m happy and so proud for your achievement, doesn’t mean you can insult others. !

maybe you can give constructive criticism instead.

you’re enjoying this, aren’t you @everhopeful :yum:

Am i the only one who read this in a “british-bragging” accent?

I’m out.


I don’t even care. whatever makes you happy.

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I guess the point of art is to provoke a response :confused: but…


Serious re-evaluation is needed on your end.

too bad also, I never got response from my post of my creative writing today.

People want nothingness, and will always seek it, for fear of achieving.

Mine. You should consider it.

Hi Daze… I saw your post, and I tried to read it… I can not read long posts so I gave up.


too bad, I read everything, but then again, it’s a separation.

I meant I can not focus… I was being honest. I can no longer read a lot after this illness.

that’s a myth. I’ve read more books in the past 20 years than any of my first 20 years. Just hype yourself up on caffeine and tackle. You seem real passive.

I enjoy @everhopeful’s poems…

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I swear… I would love to read… reading was my passion in my youth. I can not focus at all. Just short texts etc. I tried a lot. I bought so many books, I bought an iPad… reading is so important. I just can not develop interest to try harder. I do my work, art, talk to clients, do makeup. listen to music… I need to take it easy.

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when I read something, my mind simply drifts… I lose touch in a while and think of other stuff then get back and notice I’ve gone over a whole lot of text. :v:

Denying, bragging, and insulting in less than 140 characters… you’d be a successful presidential candidate, now all you need is a twitter account.

Yeah, i went there


A wise turtle pokes his head in
Hears a couple of hens just peckin
All he wanted to do was check in
But to his amaze it was just a whirlwind of haze
Turtle got caught in a daze
Back to his shell
Now he won’t sleep for days :scream::scream::scream:
